1 Single 2 MULTI 3 TRAINING 4 OPTIONS 5 GAME CHOICE 6 QUIT GAME 7 Controls 8 NETWORK 9 JOIN GAME 10 HOST GAME 11 GRAPHICS 12 SOUND 13 SFX 14 GUI 15 MUSIC 16 SPEECH 17 SOUND TYPE 18 RESOLUTION 19 GENERAL 20 SHADOWS 21 DETAIL MAPS 22 SKY 23 WATER 24 PLAYER NAME 25 ALLIANCE 26 SURE? 27 ADD PLAYER 28 DELETE 29 LEVEL 30 PLAYERS 31 CREDIT LIMIT 32 PASSWORD 33 GAME TYPE 34 SELECTION TYPE 35 CUSTOM 36 DEFAULT 37 GAME NAME 38 ENTER NAME 39 ON 40 OFF 41 LOW 42 MEDIUM 43 HIGH 44 MAIN MENU 45 SINGLE PLAYER 46 MULTI PLAYER 47 OPTIONS MENU 48 JOIN GAME 49 HOST GAME 50 GRAPHICS MENU 51 SOUND MENU 52 CONTROLS 53 NETWORK MENU 54 LEVEL TYPE 55 LEVEL NAME 56 PLAY LEVEL 57 CHALLENGE 58 EXTRAS 59 DEMOS 60 DEATH MATCH 61 CAPTURE FLAG 62 PLAY GAME 63 CONTROL GROUP 64 CONTROLS 65 CHANGE KEY 66 ENTER KEY 67 EDIT PLAYER 68 Move Forwards 69 Move Back 70 Turn Left 71 Turn Right 72 Strategy Camera 73 Low Level Camera 74 Follow Camera 75 Re-centre Camera 76 Zoom In 77 Zoom Out 78 Open-close Viewer 79 Toggle Viewer Mode 80 Zoom Camera 81 Enter/leave Direct Control 82 BACK 83 ENTER PASSWORD 84 ERROR: Multiplay level has not been found on this machine. 85 Invalid Password for this Network game. 86 ERROR: Unable to connect.\nCheck Setting and Try again. 87 This game requires a password. 88 Connecting... 89 Navigation 90 Camera 91 Direct Control 92 Viewer 93 Forwards 94 Back 95 Turn Left 96 Turn Right 97 Re-centre 98 Zoom In 99 Zoom Out 100 Enter/leave Direct Control 101 Open/close Map 102 Toggle Map 103 Zoom 104 Modem Name 105 Dial Up Number 106 COMM Port 107 BAUD Rate 108 TERRIBLE 109 POOR 110 AVERAGE 111 GOOD 112 EXCELLENT 113 UNBELIEVABLE 114 MONO 115 STEREO 116 SURROUND 117 CANCEL 118 Control 119 Interface 120 Unit Selection 121 Action 122 Direct Command Mode 123 Switch To Defensive Mode 124 Switch To Offensive Mode 125 Stop Unit Command 126 Select Nearest Target 127 Show/hide Gui 128 Show Current Messages 129 Reset The Camera 130 Face Camera To Front 131 Toggle Direct Control Camera 132 Toggle Unit Indicators 133 Key Assignments 134 Key 135 Action 136 TEAM DEATH MATCH 137 SCENARIO 138 WARNING\nLoading any saved game will overwrite your AutoSave for this alliance.\nTo protect your AutoSave enter the game using the PLAY GAME option and save to a different filename. 139 Are You Sure? 140 No Modems 141 SKIRMISH 142 TEAM SKIRMISH 143 Device 144 Device 145 Dogs Of War 146 General 147 Dogs Of War 148 Display 149 Sound 150 Available video modes 151 Display driver 152 Primary monitor 153 Digital sound 154 Music 155 No sound 156 No music 157 Speakers 158 Setup 159 Secondary monitor 160 Play now 161 Apply 162 Cancel 163 Your Screen May Flicker For A While 164 Ok 165 Colour 166 An error occurred during the move data process : %d 167 uninstaller set-up failed to initialise. You may not be able to uninstall this product. 168 This program requires VGA or better resolution. 169 This Product requires DX7a to run. 170 This Product requires DX Media version 6 to run. 171 \nDo You Wish to install this now? 172 Installation Required 173 Dogs Of War Setup 174 Attacking 175 We are under Attack 176 Moving to location 177 Unloading 178 Loading 179 Following 180 Enemy sighted 181 We've been spotted 182 Aiming at target 183 Taking damage 184 Patrolling 185 Position Captured 186 Position Lost 187 Unit Repaired 188 Unit lost 189 It's an Ambush 190 Enemy destroyed 191 Incoming Artillery fire 192 Taking friendly fire 193 Minefield detected 194 Laying mines 195 Troops affected by psycho venom 196 Units Disabled by Crash Bug 197 Bank Clerk 198 Teacher 199 Builder 200 Secretary 201 Miner 202 Artist 203 Water Polo 204 Swimming 205 Writer 206 Butcher 207 Diplomat 208 Pig Farmer 209 Railroad Tycoon 210 Fisherman 211 Priest 212 Film Director 213 Boxer 214 Journalist 215 Racing Driver 216 Bed Tester 217 Dictionary Salesman 218 Chemical Tester 219 Personal Trainer 220 Footballer 221 Royalty 222 Engineer 223 Watching Telly 224 Caber Tossing 225 Sewing 226 Gambling 227 Skateboarding 228 Darts 229 Camping 230 Creating Lifeforms 231 Agony Aunt 232 Tom Clancy Novels 233 Musician 234 Machines 235 Staring 236 Guitars 237 Auditor 238 Collector 239 Entertainer 240 Fishing 241 BEER 242 Vodka 243 Musician 244 Vampires 245 Clothes 246 Brewing 247 Brewing 248 Share Broker 249 Puzzles 250 Gardener 251 Gardener 252 Photography 253 Magistrate 254 Renovations 255 Diplomat 256 Chemistry 257 Jockey 258 Jazz Diva 259 Antiques 260 Printer 261 Martial Arts 262 Student 263 DJ 264 Football 265 Researcher 266 Programmer 267 Designer 268 Artist 269 Games Player 270 School Kid 271 Accountant 272 Youth Worker 273 Model 274 Sports 275 Travel 276 DIY 277 Cook 278 Flying 279 Dancing 280 Labourer 281 Unemployed 282 Animator 283 Skiing 284 Soldier 285 Rock Guitar 286 Artillery 287 Field Research 288 Astrology 289 Ordinance 290 American Football 291 Infantry 292 Surfing 293 Cycling 294 Reading 295 Electrician 296 Carpenter 297 Potter 298 Bounty Hunter 299 Space Monkey 300 Sales Man 301 Manager 302 Oil painting 303 Cooking 304 Bowling 305 Banjo Player 306 Diving 307 Welder 308 Skateboarding 309 Government 310 Dentist 311 Fisherman 312 Doctor 313 Nurse 314 Surgeon 315 Psychologist 316 Chef 317 Horticulturist 318 Farmer 319 Chemist 320 Vet 321 Lawyer 322 Gynaecologist 323 Mortuary Attendant 324 Landlord 325 Footballer 326 Athlete 327 Hiking 328 Teacher 329 Hotel Owner 330 Gambler 331 WAITER 332 Child Prodigy 333 Monkey Wrangler 334 NEWSAGENT 335 stockbroker 336 Assassin 337 Criminal 338 Magician 339 Ice Cream Seller 340 Taxi Driver 341 Rock Star 342 Priest 343 Bin Man 344 Social Worker 345 Bridge Engineer 346 Cartoonist 347 President 348 Lab Technician 349 Unknown 350 Dog Handler 351 Fireman 352 Driving Instructor 353 Traffic Warden 354 Counsellor 355 Exotic Dancer 356 Singing 357 Game Menu 358 Options 359 Resume Game 360 Quit To Windows 361 Abort Mission 362 Are you sure? 363 Diagnostics 364 Special 365 CAMERA 366 COMMAND 367 INFO 368 CARGO 369 GROUPS 370 ICONS 371 RESET 372 CURRENT 373 ACTION 374 STANDBY 375 ACTIVE 376 STOP 377 HEALTH 378 RELOAD 379 Pause the action (PAUSE) 380 Un-pause the action (PAUSE) 381 System menu (ESC) 382 Cycle through unit indicator options 383 Reset camera to overhead view 384 Move camera closer to the action 385 Move camera away from the action 386 Most applicable command 387 Attitude of selected units 388 Switch units to defensive stance 389 Switch units to offensive stance 390 Stop selected units 391 Average health of selected units 392 Weapon reload progress of current unit 393 Picture of currently selected unit 394 Overall rank of currently selected unit 395 Vehicle crew members 396 Passengers 397 Group attitude 398 Group health 399 Drag to resize viewer 400 Drag to scroll around the mini-map 401 Increase viewer magnification 402 Decrease viewer magnification 403 Hide the viewer panel 404 Show the viewer panel 405 Hide the control panel 406 Show the control panel 407 A highly important message, right-click to dismiss 408 A moderately important message, right-click to dismiss 409 A low importance message, right-click to dismiss 410 A permanent message, left-click to show/hide 411 Move 412 Attack 413 Follow 414 Waypoint 415 Patrol 416 Aim 417 Load 418 Unload 419 System options 420 Camera controls 421 Unit command controls 422 Information about selected unit and it's crew 423 Passengers in the selected transport vehicle 424 Groups panel: assign, select, find and disband groups of units 425 Viewer panel controls 426 Show/hide the viewer 427 Show/hide the interface bar 428 PROGRESS REPORT 429 Game time = %2dh %02dm %02ds 430 Rotation mode 1 (behind unit and turns with unit) 431 Rotation mode 2 (turns with unit or push edge of screen) 432 Rotation mode 3 (push edge of screen to turn) 433 Enter or leave direct control of selected unit 434 Enable sniper view 435 Back 436 Re-centre camera behind the unit 437 In game options menu 438 Return to game (ESC) 439 Select to alter sound, graphics, and controls settings 440 Press twice to abandon the current mission 441 Press twice to completely quit the game and return to your desktop. 442 Your current mission objectives and progress information through the level 443 Adjust sound, graphics and control settings from here 444 Select to adjust the graphical complexity of the game 445 Select to adjust sound volume levels 446 Select to redefine the game keys 447 Use this panel to adjust the graphical complexity of the game 448 Choose an overall graphical detail level 449 Choose the unit shadows detail level 450 Choose the complexity of the sky effects 451 Choose the complexity of the water effects 452 Enable or disable landscape detail texturing 453 Allows you to customise all the graphical settings individually 454 Adjust the detail level of the units 455 Use this panel to adjust the volume levels in the game 456 Adjusts the volume of the sound effects 457 Adjusts the volume of the interface sounds 458 Adjusts the volume of the speech 459 Adjusts the volume of the music 460 This panel is used to redefine your control keys 461 Key categories that can be redefined 462 Click to redefine this key, press 'ESC' to cancel 463 Return to previous menu (ESC) 464 Synchronising Multiplayer Game - Please Wait 465 Multiplayer Game Has Started - Good Luck 466 GO GO MONKEY X 467 ONE 468 TWO 469 THREE 470 FOUR 471 GO 472 Server Lost 473 Multiplayer Server Has Been Lost 474 Friendly %s 475 Enemy %s 476 All 477 Enemies 478 Allies 479 Chat modes: 480 Use to select who will recieve your chat messages 481 Chat gets sent to everyone 482 Chat gets sent to enemies only 483 Chat gets sent to allies only 484 Right click to kick a player out of the game 485 Kills 486 Deaths 487 Frags 488 Time 489 Best Time 490 Unit Lighting 491 Unit Detail 492 Detail 493 Switch unit lighting on or off 494 BLANK_STRING: No Text 495 briefing 496 assemble 497 load\save 498 debrief 499 chat 500 LOAD GAME 501 SAVE GAME 502 Assign All Infantry 503 De-Assign All Infantry 504 Buy All Items 505 Sell All Items 506 Assign Troops Worst First 507 Assign Troops Best First 508 Show Help Text 509 Do Not Show Help Text 510 GENERAL STATISTICS 511 TIME TAKEN 512 ENEMY KILLS 513 ALLIED LOSSES 514 Map Texture Tables 515 Map Textures 516 Map Data 517 Unit Textures 518 Sky 519 Entity Data 520 Feature Data 521 Update Heights 522 Level Logic 523 Miscellaneous 524 Experience 525 Occupation 526 Nationality 527 Hobby 528 Conflicts 529 Armoury 530 Barracks 531 Staging Area 532 Type: 533 Front Armour 534 Side Armour 535 Rear Armour 536 Fire Range 537 Fire Damage 538 Fire Rate 539 Speed 540 RENAME SELECTION 541 DELETE SELECTION 542 TYPE: 543 CURRENT SELECTED LEVEL 544 TYPE: 545 RATING 546 OBJECTIVE COMPLETION 547 TOTAL POINTS 548 UNIT EFFECTIVENESS 549 TROOP SUMMARY 550 PLAY SUMMARY 551 PROMOTIONS 552 DEATHS 553 SURVIVORS 554 GREAT ESCAPES 555 Damage Done Against Types 556 % Damage 557 Air Units 558 Armoured Ground Units 559 Unarmoured Ground Unit 560 Infantry 561 Creatures 562 Yes 563 No 564 OK 565 SAVED GAMES 566 HIGHLIGHTED SAVE DETAILS 567 This is not a valid save game name.\nSelect a saved game from the list to overwrite or type in a new name. 568 This is not a valid save game name.\nType a new name or select no to cancel the rename process 569 This will create a new save game.\nAre you sure you wish to continue? 570 This will overwrite the selected save game.\nAre you sure you wish to continue? 571 Type in your new name. 572 You must select a file to load.\nSelect No to cancel. 573 This will Load a new level.\nCurrent unsaved changes will be lost.\nAre you sure you wish to continue? 574 Current unsaved setting will be lost.\nAre you sure you wish to continue? 575 You must select a file to rename.\nSelect No to cancel. 576 Are you sure you wish to use this new name? 577 You must select a file to delete.\nSelect No to cancel. 578 This Save will be permanently lost.\nAre you sure you wish to continue? 579 Saving.\nPlease Wait. 580 The Save was Unsuccessful. 581 The Save was Successful. 582 Population by Team. 583 Damage Advantage by Time. 584 No Save Highlighted 585 Right Click to clear your selection. 586 No Selected Save 587 Left click on saved game in list to select it. 588 No Saved Games Available. 589 Select a saved game to overwrite from the list or type in a name for a new save. 590 Objective Completion 591 Survival Rating 592 Kill Rating 593 Completion Time 594 Damage Rating 595 Unspent Credits 596 Promotions Bonus 597 EMPTY 598 Promoted 599 Survived 600 Escaped 601 Dead 602 REPLAY 603 NEXT 604 set-up Time 605 Client Edits On 606 Client Edits Off 607 Credits 608 Loading Gui 609 Change the Rank of this Troop Type 610 Assign Troop To a Unit 611 Sell This Unit 612 Unit Is Not For Sale 613 De-Assign Troop From Unit 614 Buy Unit 615 No Units Available 616 Buy Unit 617 Start the level 618 Move back to the previous Briefing Message 619 Pause on the current briefing message 620 Move to the next briefing Message 621 Load the selected level 622 Save this level with the current entered name. 623 Rename the current selected level 624 Delete the current selected level 625 Continue with the current action. 626 Terminate the current action. 627 %s. Click to toggle through alliances. 628 Current view is %s. Click to Edit enemy view type. 629 Set-up Countdown Clock 630 Satellite View 631 Line Of Sight View 632 Remove this player from the game. 633 Change Team Number. 634 Edit Game Time 635 Edit time for unit set-up. 636 Change the number of Credits available. 637 Edit the maximum number of units that may be selected. 638 Client Edit status 639 Credits Available 640 No Saves Available.\n\nTo save a game select the save button and then type in the name you wish to give to the save. 641 LOADING... 642 War.\nStrife. \nBetween nations conducted by force.\nMilitary or naval or air attacks and suspension of ordinary relations involved in this. \nPeriod of this. \nHostility between persons. \nEfforts against crime disease, etc.. 643 Imperial Order.\nExtensive group of planets under supreme authority.\nSupreme domination.\nUnrestricted authority over all inhabitants.\nDominating.\nRuled by Invictas Grell.\nMain income derived from SL18 sale of.\nPopulation 900 planets 700 billion people.\nStrict controls enforced on civilian movement.\nCapital Earth. 644 Warmonkeys. \nNot depending on authority or control.\nIndependent mercenary group defending Primus.\nOpposing imperial rule.\nOccupying Primus location of SL18.\nStopped supply of SL18 when Primus declared Independence from imperial order.\nDeemed renegade by imperial order.\nHigh bounty for extermination.\nLow-tech equipment. 645 SL18. \nRadioactive alloy with multiplexed polymer strands.\nStrongest material know.\nOnly found on Primus.\nUsed in production of weapons, Calliper drives, Terraformers.\nStrict refinement process before mineral can be used 646 Mantai. \nIndigenous lifeform on Primus.\nCarnivore.\nOften of enormous size.\nHostile.\nReptilian.\nNot seen since colonisation of Primus.\nKilled first settlers.\nCommon opinion believes Mantai extinct.\nCause unknown. 647 Common opinion was wrong